Our staff networks

Our staff networks

In Bolton we recognise the power of our differences and the value that diversity of thought can bring, not just for our staff, but for our patients and communities.

If you join us, you’ll be encouraged to be yourself and your contribution, experience and views will be valued and drawn upon.

If you too are passionate about paving the way for an inclusive culture for all, you’ll want to join one of our staff networks. They are open to everyone and provide a safe space for people to share experiences, work together to generate new ideas and influence change for the better.

All voices will be heard and members are supported to achieve their hopes and dreams, every step of the way.

Our network:

  • celebrates our differences
  • harnesses the voices of our people
  • supports colleagues to strive and be the best they can be
  • challenges racism and discrimination
  • promotes equality for all

Network Chair – Blandina Mutambirwa

Blandina Mutambirwa is the Finance Business Partner for Integrated Community Services Division.

She also represents Bolton FT in the NW Inclusion and Diversity Ambassadors Network, working with finance colleagues regionally to share best practice and ideas around initiatives that support improvements to equality. She is very passionate about Inclusion and Diversity and keen to be a part of the conversation, learn from others and feed into the wider EDI discussions taking place within the NHS.

Get in touch: 01204 390 1806 (ext 141806) or Blandina.Mutambirwa@boltonft.nhs.uk

Our network:

  • connects disabled staff and people who have long term conditions
  • gives people a voice and seeks to influence policies and plans that may impact on staff who are disabled or have health conditions
  • supports the recruitment of people with disabilities and those with health conditions and developing positive work experiences within the trust
  • challenges discrimination and strives to change attitudes

Network Chair – Revd Catherine Binns

Revd Catherine Binns is the Deputy Head Chaplain has worked in the trust for 7 years.

She lives with hidden disabilities and long term health conditions including Dyslexia, Bronchiectasis, IBS and other conditions. She is passionate about supporting staff in her role as chair and as a chaplain.

Get in touch: 01204 390 770 (ext 145770) or Catherine.Binns@boltonft.nhs.uk

 Our network:

  • Provide a safe environment to raise LGBTQ+ issues
  • Give information, guidance and support to staff and patients
  • Assist colleagues and service users to contribute to the development of Trust policies and procedures to ensure inclusivity
  • Contribute to staff development activities and awareness events
  • Signpost and support people to live the Trust values

We are focused on engaging with people from across the organisation to attract, develop and retain staff at all levels.

Our network:

  • Celebrates the achievements of colleagues in breaking barriers into senior roles
  • Gives people a voice and influences policies and plans that may impact on a particular gender, for example menopause, maternity leave, flexible working etc.
  • Supports the career development for colleagues so they have a positive experience within the trust ​​​​​​​

Multi-generational diversity provides benefits in terms of the unique backgrounds and perspectives that each generation brings. As colleagues reach different stages of their lives, we understand that their priorities will change.

Our network:

  • Connects colleagues of all ages to share learnings and our differences
  • Shapes and influences plans and policies that may influence particular age groups, for example retirement planning, early careers etc.
  • Promotes the positive contributions our colleagues make, regardless of age and stereotypes ​​​​​​​

We recognise that we must look at the disadvantage faced by individuals from a lower socio-economic backgrounds and play a positive role in increasing social mobility through our recruitment, development and progression activities.

Our network:

  • Recognises and celebrates the different backgrounds our colleagues come from and how this shapes who we are
  • Promotes improving access to opportunities for people from deprived and/or lower income households
  • Supports the recruitment and the campaign of ‘Bolton jobs for Bolton people’
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