Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) work within GP practices to help identify people who are at risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
They support people to make positive lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of future disease. HIPs can help you to improve your diet, increase your physical activity levels, reduce your alcohol intake, improve your mental wellbeing, and to stop smoking.
Health improvement Practitioners support GP Practices to perform:
HIPs also work with people over the age of 16yrs who are:
We offer one to one support sessions to help people create their own ‘Personal Health Plan’, focussing on what’s important to them and signposting to other health services, support groups and activities in the local community where appropriate.
*Unfortunately, we do not take self-referrals; however, please speak to a clinician if you think you fall into one of the above criteria.
Health Improvement Practitioners
Tel: 01204 462128