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  • NHS in Bolton shares healthcare advice ahead of busy May bank holiday
May 16, 2024

NHS in Bolton shares healthcare advice ahead of busy May bank holiday

  • Advice for accessing healthcare services during busy bank holiday
  • Emergency Department is for life or limb-threatening conditions
  • NHS 111 provides quick and easy help, whilst GPs or pharmacies can help for minor conditions

The NHS in Bolton is sharing advice to help people find the healthcare services they need during the busy May bank holiday weekend.

Bank holidays typically see an increase in demand for the NHS, particularly for the Emergency Department and urgent care services.

People living in and around Bolton can support their local NHS by choosing the most appropriate place for their needs and ensure emergency services are available for those who need it most.

Dr. Francis Andrews, Medical Director at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, said:

Our Emergency Department is always here to look after people in life or limb-threatening emergencies, every single day of the year.

“We do, however, experience a rise in the number of people arriving at our Emergency Department during and immediately after bank holidays, and are asking for the public’s help in ensuring we can treat the sickest patients.

“NHS 111 online provides quick and easy medical help, and for minor conditions your GP, local pharmacist or the GP out-of-hours service can provide advice and treatment. can help you with:

  • where to get help for your symptoms, if you’re not sure what to do
  • how to find general health information and advice
  • where to get an emergency supply of your prescribed medicine
  • how to get a repeat prescription
  • getting emergency dental appointments

You should still ring 999 or attend the Emergency Department if you or someone else experience:

  • signs of a heart attack like pain like a heavy weight in the centre of your chest
  • signs of stroke such as your face dropping on one side
  • difficulty breathing
  • heavy bleeding that won’t stop
  • seizures
  • or sudden and rapid swelling of the eyes, lips, throat or tongue

Bringing your own medicines

We encourage you to bring your own medicines with them when you have a hospital stay, including if you attend the Emergency Department.

This ensures that patients have the correct medication right from the start.

If a patient needs new prescription when they’re discharged, or if their directions for their pre-existing prescription has changed, our pharmacy team will provide a minimum of seven days’ worth of any medicines.

Graphic reads: Coming into hospital? Remember your medicines. Helping you get the best from your medicines. Images feature a range of medicines.

Community pharmacists can also provide advice and treatment for a range of minor conditions:

Under Pharmacy First, participating pharmacies can provide easy access to prompt advice and treatment including prescription medicines, where appropriate, for seven common conditions. The common conditions covered are:

  • sinusitis
  • sore throat
  • earache
  • infected insect bites and stings
  • impetigo
  • shingles
  • uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI) in women

The GP out of hours service can help with:

  • An illness or injury and need medical help outside of normal working hours.
  • The service can be contacted by phoning your own GP surgery and following the instructions on the answering machine.
  • Alternatively, people can phone BARDOC directly on 0161 763 8940.

If you have pain in your mouth, teeth, or gums:

  • Contact your dentist, the Emergency Department won’t be able to help.
  • If your dentist is closed, or you don’t have a regular dentist, call the Greater Manchester Urgent Dental Care Service on 0333 3323800.

For more information about accessing service, please visit NHS Greater Manchester’s website.

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