Our Services

Breast screening

NHS breast screening checks use X-rays to look for cancers that are too small to see or feel.

Once every three years, all women between the ages of 50 and 70 (up to 71st birthday) will be routinely invited. Invitations are sent out automatically, so it is important to make sure your details are correct at your GP practice.

If you are a Trans man, Trans woman or are non-binary you may be invited automatically, but this will depend on the sex you are registered with at your GP. You may need want to talk to your GP surgery or call our breast screening team on 01204 390454 to discuss.

If you have a learning disability or any additional needs to assist you in attending your appointment please contact the breast screening service.

One in seven women will be develop breast cancer at some time in their life. Early detection may mean simpler and more successful treatment.

Please see a GP if you have any symptoms of breast cancer, even if you have recently had a clear breast screening.

Your breast screening (mammogram) results will be posted to you, usually within 2 weeks of your appointment.

They will also be sent to the GP surgery you are registered with.

You may need to have another mammogram to get a clearer picture of your breasts. Your results would be sent after this second breast screening appointment.

Breast screening is done by 1 or 2 female Mammographers. You can ask them about any questions or concerns that you may have.

Your appointment usually takes around 20 minutes from arriving at the clinic. The actual mammogram takes around 2 minutes for each X-ray.

There are 4 images taken in two different views.

  1. You will be called into the x-ray room. The mammographer will explain what will happen and you will be asked to undress from the waist up for your screening to begin.
  2. The Mammographer will place your breast on the x-ray machine, a paddle will be brought down on top of your breast. This will give a detailed X-ray image and will help to keep the breast still. The compression is applied for a few seconds and you will need to stay still during this time.
  3. The X-ray machine will then be tilted slightly to one side and the process will be repeated on the side of your breast. Your other breast will be X-rayed in the same way.
  4. You will then return to the changing area to get dressed.
  5. Your results will be sent to you in the post within 2 weeks of your appointment.

Breast screening can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful for some people. You can talk to the mammographer, who is trained to help you feel more comfortable and give you support. You can also ask to stop at any time.

What clothes should I wear?

Two-item clothing is better rather than a dress as you will be asked to remove any items from your waist up. Headdresses can be worn although if it hangs down you may be asked to remove it to to ensure a clear X-ray is taken.

Do not wear talcum powder or spray deodorant on the day of your mammogram as this can affect the X-ray.

Roll on deodorant is OK.

If you have any additional needs to help you attend your breast screening appointment, please contact us on 01204 390454 or email BSU.Appointments@boltonft.nhs.uk

Bolton area

Bolton One, One Moor Lane, Bolton BL3 5BN (First Floor)

There is multiple car parks around Bolton One Health Centre. There is a limited number of disabled parking outside Bolton One Entrance.
Bus- 20, 22, 471, 575, 582, 8.

Royal Bolton Hospital, Minerva Road, BL4 0JR (Sunflower Suite)

There are multiple car parks around the hospital site.
Bus- 501, 512, 521, 695.

Bury area

Radcliffe Primary Care Centre, 69 Church Street West, M26 2SP (Ground Floor, Mountain Suite)

There is free parking on Quarry Street.
Bus- 513, 887, 888, 899, 98, 512, 524, 890, 896.
Tram- Yellow Line.

Rochdale area

Nye Bevan House, Maclure Road, OL11 1DN (Ground floor)

There is free parking on Dowling Street for users of Nye Bevan Health centre.
Bus-471, 881.
Tram- The tram stop is outside the health centre.

Each trust has commissioned Cancer Screening Improvement Leads (CSILs) to help support primary care in improving uptake of screening and a reduction of health inequalities within the programme.

Your local Cancer Screening Improvement Lead (CSIL) is Naomi Duff and can be contacted via email naomi.duff@boltonft.nhs.uk or via telephone 01204 390454 ext. 141356.

If you would like to increase your current breast screening uptake, please contact your local CSIL for further guidance. The CSIL can support practices with a range of bespoke methods for improving uptake, including but not limited to:

  • Active working/community engagement with your local CSIL.
  • Use of social media.
  • GP endorsed text messages and/or letters.
  • Telephone calls, for example engaging with those who may have additional needs or are attending screening for the first time.
  • Breast screening conversations and awareness raising during clinic appointments.
  • Collaborative working with the VCSE sector.
  • Staff awareness training.

Key contact numbers

Cancer Screening Improvement Lead

Tel: 01204 390454

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